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You were born with a great gift A unique and rare treasure You were born with a lot of potentials You were full of promise Much expecta...

Tuesday, 19 July 2016


You were born with a great gift
A unique and rare treasure
You were born with a lot of potentials
You were full of promise
Much expectations were on You
Many looked up to You
Many expected the emergence of a giant
The gift You were given
Was for the betterment of humanity
Was for changing lives
Was for solving problems
Was for impacting lives
Was for inspiring and motivating those around
Was to be used to serve others
Was to be used to inspire souls
The gift was to be used
In love
In harmony
In a kind and good heart
To help the poor and less privileged.
To inspire lives
To unleash other potentials like You
You started your journey quite well
You used your gift well initially
You helped the poor
You inspired souls
You unleashed many giants
You brought smile to many faces
Soon enough
You became well respected and loved
You were celebrated by many
Your gift indeed made You a Hero
You were looked up to as a mentor
Your life became a model for others
But soon enough things began to change
A new Enemy set in
This same Enemy has destroyed many great men
Before You
You welcomed this new enemy
You were ignorant of its destructive ability
Your attitude changed
You distant Yourselves from the Poor and Less privileged
You gained so much power and influence
The power corrupted You
You became a dictator
Rather than a servant
You deviated from serving
You became a commander
You were rarely seen
Many cried to You for help
But you turned deaf ears
That new enemy diminished your influence
People distant themselves from You
You oppressed the poor
People were dying but you cared no more
You set about selling your gift
To the rich and wealthy
You entertained the rich
While the poor suffered
Your focus shifted from man to money
Your influence diminished rapidly
He who gave you the gift
Was angry and disappointed
He regretted giving you the gift
The deed has been done
Sooner than expected
You were dying
But no one cared
Suddenly you lost the gift
Some one else replaced You
That enemy rejoiced
As it has finally destroyed a life
A potential
A giant who was brought down
The enemy was successful
It destroyed your life and destiny
It truncated your purpose
We should all avoid this enemy
Its name is PRIDE

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